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  • 南非绿色氢TVET生态系统转型战略框架(英)


    The launch of the South African Green Hydrogen TVET Ecosystem Just Transition Strategic Framework occurs amid five major challenges:

    • The geopolitical energy turmoil in the face of climate change;
    • the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy andTVET ecosystem;
    • the fast-paced green energy scientific and technological developments;
    • the high levels of unemployment in the country and among TVET graduates; and
    • the low levels of TVET graduate labour absorption by industry.

    The role of the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ecosystem as a socio-economic transformative tool is perhaps more important than ever to addressing current challenges at this historical juncture. The great acceleration in science, technology and innovation (STI) has left educational systems reeling and in a scramble to catch up to rapidly changing and uncertain learning environments. STI is a powerful driver of change in the implementation of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) and it is expected to set the pace for building a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy through several priority interventions. For instance, transitioningto a just and inclusive green hydrogen TVET ecosystem that cultivates a transversal skills-commons and fosters economic wellbeing and ecological resilience will require an enabling environment, collaboration, investment, and innovation to address the five major global shifts and local challenges.

    In February 2022, when I launched the Hydrogen Society Roadmap, the first proactive steps were taken to leverage the hydrogen opportunity. Transitioning the country’s TVET ecosystem and aligning it with the hydrogen industry’s needs and opportunities to improve labour absorption, is critical to addressing the skills development needs of the overwhelming majority of our people, especially the previously disadvantaged, women, youth and the poor, both urban and rural. A sectoral alignment with industry-specific requirements will facilitate a just transition, where potential job losses in the traditional coal-mining industry, for example, are mitigated through upskilling, retraining and onboarding of workers into green hydrogen-related mining, manufacturing, power fuel production, and transportation industries.

    The South African Green Hydrogen TVET Ecosystem Just Transition Strategic Framework is one of the government’s key enablers to the successful implementation of the ERRP and provides the foundation for thinking about anticipatory policy interventions to reconstruct and transform the TVET skills development ecosystem. The TVET ecosystem has the potential to train large numbers of green artisans and technicians while becoming responsive to major political, economic, environmental, and socio-technical shifts and to support young people and established workers to make effective transitions into the green labour market. The TVET ecosystem will, therefore, play a pivotal role in launching and supporting the emerging hydrogen economy away from fossil fuel-based economic dependency, the rapid expansion of renewable energy production and employment in the green economy.

    I am confident that the effective implementation of this Green Hydrogen TVET Ecosystem Just Transition Strategic Framework, will re-establish the TVET ecosystem at the heart of proactive skills governance that builds stronger partnerships between government, the private sector and civil society to train new graduates, and those in the process of transitioning between sunset and sunrise industries. Successful implementation of this strategic framework must lead to a demand-led TVET Ecosystem that radically improves gender equality and social inclusion through work-integrated learning, integration of state-of-the-art skills anticipation, skills foresight and skills matching systems, an acceleration of a hybrid TVET Centres of Specialisation model for increased flexibility and improved skills development investment, and a balance of payments allocated to the TVET college system to create a transversal skills commons.

    南非绿色氢TVET生态系统转型战略框架(英) 第1页



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