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  • 2022年世界核工业现状报告


    The first thing to say is simply a huge, I mean a huge, huge thank you to the team that put the WNISR2022 together. The project has survived unfavorable if not adverse conditions for 15 years, but this year was simply unprecedented. For health and career reasons, several core contributing authors unexpectedly were not able to provide input this year. But… the extraordinary solidarity of the remaining team and a couple of exceptional contributors who together picked up the tab made it possible to produce this report together against all odds.

    It has been 30 years that we produced a precursor WNISR. It has been 30 years that my friend Antony Froggatt has been a solid partner in developing the report concept, contributing chapters, editing others, and presenting the outcome. Thank you for everything.

    At the core of the WNISR is its database designed and maintained by data manager and information engineer Julie Hazemann who also develops most of the drafts for the graphical illustrations and manages much of the cooperation with designer and webmaster. She expanded her contribution significantly over the past few years. As ever, no WNISR without her. Thanks so much.

    M.V. Ramana, over the years, has not only been a regular, reliable, professional, and insightful contributor but also a wonderful person to work with. Heartful thanks.

    Very glad to count Tatsu Suzuki amongst the core team, following decades of cooperation under various circumstances and organizational arrangements. Thank you very much for your invaluable contributions.

    Very happy to work with Michael Sailer again with whom I have crossed paths for some four decades now. Thank you for your crucial, timely contribution to this project.

    Christian von Hirschhausen, thank you for being back on the project. Your constructive thinking and positivity are a real treat. Newcomer Alex Wimmers dived into the WNISR with skill and full engagement. Thank you and see you both next year!

    Nina Schneider has further expanded her meticulous proof-reading, source verification, and fact- checking capacities. This year, she also drafted several sections of the report. Her production skills are indispensable to the outcome. Merci beaucoup.

    Special thanks go to Tim Judson and another expert who not only filled in unexpected gaps but superbly mastered the tasks under impossible time constraints.

    A big thank you to Aviel Verbruggen for his thought-provoking, generous foreword, delivered under unreal time constraints.

    Artist and graphic designer Agnès Stienne created the redesigned layout in 2017 and is constantly improving our graphic illustrations that continue to get the praise they deserve around the world. Thank you once again.

    A big thank you also to Arnaud Martin for his continuous, highly reactive, and reliable work on the website www.WorldNuclearReport.org, dedicated to the WNISR Project.

    For the fourth time in a row, we owe idea, design, and realization of the report-cover to renowned German painter Friedhelm Meinass and designer Constantin E. Breuer, (“who congenially implements my ideas”, dixit F.M.). Thanks so much for another striking, politically intelligent, and very generous contribution.

    This work has greatly benefitted from partial proofreading, editing suggestions, comments, or other input by Anton Eberhardt, Frank von Hippel, Lutz Mez, Wenmin Yu, and others. Thank you all.

    The authors wish to thank especially Geoff Fettus, Matthew McKinzie, Axel Harneit-Sievers, Tanja Gaudian, Jutta Paulus, Christina Stober, and Fabian Lüscher for their enthusiastic and lasting support of this project.

    And everybody involved is grateful to the MacArthur Foundation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Greens-EFA Group in the European Parliament, Elektrizitätswerke Schönau, and the Swiss Renewable Energy Foundation for their generous support.




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