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  • 美国能源部·分布式风电市场报告2022年版


    The annual Distributed Wind Market Report provides stakeholders with market statistics and analysis along with insights into market trends and characteristics for wind technologies used as distributed energy resources. Key findings for this year’s report include the following:

    Installed Capacity

    Cumulative U.S. distributed wind capacity installed from 2003 through 2021 now stands at 1,075 megawatts (MW) from over 89,000 wind turbines across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. Distributed wind turbines are connected at the distribution level of an electricity system, or in off-grid applications, to serve specific or local loads.

    In 2021, 15 states added a total of 11.7 MW of new distributed wind capacity from 1,751 turbine units representing a $41 million investment. The deployed capacity is down from 21.9 MW ($44 million,
    11 states) in 2020 and 20.4 MW ($59 million, 22 states) in 2019. The 2020 distributed wind capacity amount is higher than initially reported because it now captures some projects that had late 2020 operational dates.

    Of the 11.7 MW installed in 2021, 8.7 MW came from distributed wind projects using large-scale turbines (greater than 1 MW in size), 1.2 MW came from projects using mid-size turbines (101 kilowatts [kW] to 1 MW in size), and 1.8 MW came from projects using small wind turbines (up through 100 kW in size).

    The 8.7 MW from projects using turbines greater than 1 MW is down from the 20 MW documented for 2020 and the 18.2 MW documented for 2019. Large-scale wind turbines continue to account for most of the distributed wind capacity additions; however, the total annual deployed capacity using large-scale turbines continues to jump around year to year as these projects have longer project-development cycles than smaller distributed wind energy projects.

    Projects using mid-size turbines continue to represent a small part of the distributed wind market as there are a limited number of mid-size turbines commercially available and larger turbines can be more cost effective. However, the 1.2 MW of mid-size capacity from three projects deployed in 2021 was an increase from 0.28 MW from two projects in 2020 and 0.9 MW from one project in 2019.

    A total of 1.8 MW of small wind was deployed in the United States in 2021 from 1,742 turbine units representing a $9.2 million investment. Small wind deployment has been fairly flat for the past few years, but the 2021 capacity deployment is an increase from 2020. There was 1.6 MW of small wind deployment documented for 2020 and 1.3 MW in 2019. The increase can be attributed to a slight increase in domestic sales from both U.S.-based and foreign small wind turbine manufacturers, the inclusion of two turbine manufacturers that PNNL had not previously tracked, and sales of early designs from additional turbine manufacturers.

    Rhode Island, Kansas, and Minnesota led the United States in new distributed wind capacity additions

    as a result of one project in each state, which combined, represent 75% of the annual distributed wind capacity installed in 2021. The Rhode Island and Minnesota projects serve utility customers, and the Kansas project directly serves an industrial customer, an ethanol plant.

    Minnesota led the United States in 2021 small wind capacity additions with 305 kilowatts. This can be attributed to Eocycle’s push to sell its EOX-S16 turbine model to farmers in Minnesota and the decline of installations in New York with the discontinuation of its state incentive program. New York had led the United States in annual small wind capacity additions since 2017. Eocycle has focused on the agricultural market segment, with a start in Minnesota, because the company believes that many farms are in wind-rich areas, wind has a smaller land footprint than solar photovoltaics, winter wind energy production can match farm energy consumption trends, and wind turbines can provide a decarbonization solution for the emissions-heavy agriculture industry.




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